This site's primary purpose is to be THE premier resource on the internet for the Backsliding Community. If you're a backslider, someone who has experienced a higher level of spiritual awareness and then has fallen away, or backslidden, then this site would typically be the ideal place for you.

You could usually read about fellow backsliders' trials and tribulations. You could access useful links that help identify dead churches in your community. The 'Support Groups' would help you identify activities and/or websites that could keep you distracted and focused on temporal and/or mundane things. There would even be a section on this site for you to post and share your grievances about religious institutions, church leaders or well-wishing family members. You could also apply and receive awards and certification for your continued underachievement.

But we are OUTRAGED!! Our tried-and-true well-kept secrets & techniques for backsliding have been 'stolen' and exposed by an outsider! They are now even for sale on the Internet ! For this reason we are (temporarily) disabling all of the links on this Backsliding Info website.

You can read more about this horrible situation here. The one good thing is that we are now in arbitration and are negotiating a class-action settlement on behalf of our entire member community. Find out how you can personally (financially) benefit from our efforts, or just check back here later once we make all of our content available again.